数字健康解决方案美世 365™ 

Employees are looking for benefits that support their well-being, 有效地, 公平地,以每个人独特的方式. 通过美世365™,帮助他们参与所需的项目,从而茁壮成长, 我们的数字健康一体化平台.



of Canadian employees say they will only join a company if hybrid or remote work is available.


of Canadian executives say their investment in health and well-being has delivered a measurable return. 








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Employees are looking for a new deal – one that prioritizes their well-being and supports their lifestyles, 无论他们在哪里98858威尼斯70570或工作.




这就是美世365的用武之地. 我们完全可定制, turnkey digital benefits platform consolidates your organization’s benefits into one easy-to-use portal. 采用美世365使您更容易做到

  • 积极投资于员工的健康和福利
  • 改善现有的福利计划 
  • 简化员工获得福利的途径

任何时候, anywhere access helps your workforce better engage with their total rewards offering and receive targeted support for their unique lifestyles.


Organizations face unprecedented challenges when it comes to employee engagement. Elevating the employee value proposition in today’s world requires a broader well-being offering and an engaging delivery approach. 

View how a few Canadian companies are enhancing the benefits experience for their employees with 美世 365.


Employees have all become much more comfortable with digital service delivery.
Munich Re set out to modernize their programs to break down barriers to care, and create a singular platform that provided greater choice and flexibility for their employees.


Alithya, 一家总部位于科威特的科技公司, gained an edge in their talent practices by making it easier for employees to engage with their benefits.


A Canadian pharmaceutical company experienced dramatic results in terms of employee uptake and satisfaction. Ease of use and a personalized approach to well-being made an effective resource in building greater engagement.


  • 74%



  • 21% 

  • 38%

  • 73%

    enrolled in the Workperks program, each averaging 2 redemptions per employee


我们对福利采取全面的方法, 所以你可以通过四个支柱来支持你的员工——身体上的, 精神, 经济和社会福利.

Make it easy for your employees to address their physical health needs. Virtual access to healthcare professionals and a personalized fitness journey can help maintain good health. 美世 365 includes specialized solutions to boost physical health ­– focused on issues like sleep, 饮食, 强壮的身体和基因.

You can offer your employees 精神 health services to address issues such as stress, 抑郁和焦虑. You can also provide resources that promote resiliency, mindfulness and support for all your people.

一个聪明的, more engaged workforce can lead to more financial security for employees and their loved ones. 美世 365 connects them to resources that can prepare them for the needs of their financial future, 从购买第一套房子到规划遗产. Putting all of your workplace financial benefits in one place – savings plans, 保险产品, investments – can also encourage greater employee engagement with those resources and ultimately, 更健康的财务状况. 

Meaningful charitable giving is on the minds of many of your employees. 美世 365 connects your team to causes of your choosing and offers a range of ways to engage with their community. Help them easily find worthwhile organizations to support financially or via volunteering, and they’ll improve the lives of others as they improve their own.
We’ve leveraged more than 75 years of 美世’s employee benefits consulting and brokering experience into an innovative technology platform. 美世 365 does the heavy lifting for you, helping you build a more productive and engaged workforce. Put your people first: simplify access to their full range of benefits and free up resources to re-invest in more well-being programs.


71% of employees in Canada are unsure quality 精神 health care is easy to find or access

雇主采用弹性工作制, hybrid and remote work options to support the well-being of their employees. 即使他们在现场工作, many Canadians live in communities that are lacking access to the resources they need.

一半的加拿大人接受心理健康咨询 are waiting close to a month to see a professional in their community.

How you respond will have long-lasting effects on the future of your workforce. Delivering benefits that address these gaps in care can even give you a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining top talent. 



  • 所有福利和福利计划的单一接入点
  • 一年365天,全天候可用,可在任何设备上使用
  • 随着他们的发展,灵活地满足他们的幸福目标
  • 促进和支持更健康结果的资源目录


  • 将服务提供商无缝集成到一个平台中
  • 数字化平台增强您现有的计划
  • Embedded, customized and personalized communication features so that you can engage your workforce
  • Usage and well-being analytics to monitor engagement and satisfaction 